Where can I buy/taste your ice cream?

Please visit the Where? page to find out all of your options, including pop-ups throughout the season, and local food spots/restaurants.

We’re navigating a new season without our retail window, which is permanently closed. Watch for new ways to find Pascale’s Ice Cream in 2021!

What’s up with all the changes?

It’s a long story but the ‘quick notes’ version is due to OMAFRA regulations, I’m currently in dairy purgatory. You can read my full story on Edible Ottawa. I appreciate all of you understanding and supporting me during this challenging time.

When is the online store turned on?

This season, the online store will be switched on for take home pint pre-orders before my pop ups. You can see all upcoming pop up events on my website and on social media.

Why aren’t there mixed treat boxes this year?

As I’m micro producing this season in a smaller space that I don’t have as much time at, I simply cannot produce the extras I did when I had my own kitchen. I appreciate your understanding as I adjust my business model and produce on a smaller scale.

Can I see a full menu?  What are your daily offerings?

The best way to see what’s available or coming soon is to follow our social media accounts.

We are a proud from-scratch-small-batch business. This means that everything is made with the utmost love and care and with top quality local ingredients- most of which are seasonal /  also small batch. When they’re gone, it can be hours before we are able to churn out more, or even an entire season before more produce becomes available.

Think of your visit as an exclusive food adventure.  New flavours are just a new favourite you haven’t tasted yet.

I’m vegan/ dairy free.  Am I out of luck?

Fear not my friend!  We are proud to offer dairy free and vegan options for ice cream, and we frequently source sandwich cookies from Little Jo Berry’s.

I love the environment- will you fill my dish from home?

We love the environment too, which is why we use mostly green packaging for our products. If you’d like us to fill your dish for you, please give us a heads up via email or phone and we’ll be happy to accommodate you.